records_mover package

Module contents

class records_mover.Session(default_db_creds_name=None, default_aws_creds_name=PleaseInfer.token, default_gcp_creds_name=PleaseInfer.token, session_type=PleaseInfer.token, scratch_s3_url=PleaseInfer.token, creds=PleaseInfer.token, default_db_facts=PleaseInfer.token, default_boto3_session=PleaseInfer.token, default_gcp_creds=PleaseInfer.token, default_gcs_client=PleaseInfer.token, scratch_gcs_url=PleaseInfer.token)

Bases: object

  • default_db_creds_name (Optional[str]) –

  • default_aws_creds_name (Union[None, str, PleaseInfer]) –

  • default_gcp_creds_name (Union[None, str, PleaseInfer]) –

  • session_type (Union[str, PleaseInfer]) –

  • scratch_s3_url (Union[None, str, PleaseInfer]) –

  • creds (Union[BaseCreds, PleaseInfer]) –

  • default_db_facts (Union[PleaseInfer, Dict[str, Any]]) –

  • default_boto3_session (Optional[Union[PleaseInfer, boto3.session.Session]]) –

  • default_gcp_creds (Optional[Union[PleaseInfer, google.auth.credentials.Credentials]]) –

  • default_gcs_client (Optional[Union[PleaseInfer,]]) –

  • scratch_gcs_url (Union[None, str, PleaseInfer]) –

__init__(default_db_creds_name=None, default_aws_creds_name=PleaseInfer.token, default_gcp_creds_name=PleaseInfer.token, session_type=PleaseInfer.token, scratch_s3_url=PleaseInfer.token, creds=PleaseInfer.token, default_db_facts=PleaseInfer.token, default_boto3_session=PleaseInfer.token, default_gcp_creds=PleaseInfer.token, default_gcs_client=PleaseInfer.token, scratch_gcs_url=PleaseInfer.token)

This is an object which ties together configuration on how to do key things in order to move records.

It tries to autoconfigure as much as possible - in many cases you won’t need to specify any constructor arguments at all.

Generally unless otherwise configured, this class will look up and use the default credentials for things like AWS and GCP if they exist and are needed for an operation. When running in a managed environment like Apache Airflow (session_type = “airflow”), that might mean looking up an Airflow Connection via the Airflow Python API. On the command line (session_type = “cli”), that might mean using e.g., the AWS or GCP Python APIs to pull any default credentials which have been configured. In other environments (e.g., containerized systems) you may way want to use environment variables whenever possible to specify exactly what is desired (sesssion_type = ‘env’).

  • default_db_creds_name (Optional[str]) – Name of the database credential to used when records_mover.Session.get_default_db_engine() is called. If not specified, the default will depend on the session type.

  • default_aws_creds_name (Union[None, str, PleaseInfer]) – Name of the AWS IAM credential to used when needed, e.g. when reading or writing to an s3:// URL. This will be inferred unless directly specified.

  • default_gcp_creds_name (Union[None, str, PleaseInfer]) – Name of the GCP Cloud IAM credential to used when needed, e.g. when reading or writing to an gs:// URL. This will be inferred unless directly specified.

  • session_type (Union[str, PleaseInfer]) – What assumptions to use when inferring and/or looking up credentials. Valid values of “airflow” (for code running in Apache Airflow), “cli” (for running on the command-line”, “lpass” (for using the LastPass password manager for credentials), and ‘env’ (for looking up credentials via environment variables). This will be inferred unless directly specified.

  • scratch_s3_url (Union[None, str, PleaseInfer]) – An s3:// URL used as a base directory where temporary files/directories can be created. This is necessary for Amazon Redshift, which supports only S3 for bulk import/export.

  • default_db_facts (Union[PleaseInfer, Dict[str, Any]]) – Information about the database connection that should be made. This is a dictionary with string keys of type DBFacts

  • default_boto3_session (Optional[Union[PleaseInfer, boto3.session.Session]]) – The boto3.Session object used when needed, e.g. when reading or writing to an s3:// URL. This will be inferred unless directly specified.

  • default_gcp_creds (Optional[Union[PleaseInfer, google.auth.credentials.Credentials]]) – The google.auth.credentials.Credentials object to used when needed, e.g. when reading or writing to an gs:// URL. This will be inferred unless directly specified.

  • default_gcs_client (Optional[Union[PleaseInfer,]]) – The object to be used when needed, e.g. when reading or writing to an gs:// URL. This will be inferred unless directly specified.

  • creds (Union[BaseCreds, PleaseInfer]) – Experimental interface; do not use.

  • scratch_gcs_url (Union[None, str, PleaseInfer]) – A gs:// URL used as a base directory where temporary files/directories can be created. This can be helpful for large imports into Google BigQuery.

Return type



Provide the database object corresponding to the default database credentials. The details of how that credential is looked up depends on the session_type determined in the constructor, but can be overridden using the default_db_creds_name parameter.


SQLALchemy Engine object

Return type


get_db_engine(db_creds_name, creds_provider=None)

Provide a database object corresponding to a given credential name. The details of how that credential is looked up depends on the session_type determined in the constructor.

  • db_creds_name (str) – Credential name to look up using the configured credentials provider.

  • creds_provider (Optional[BaseCreds]) –


SQLALchemy Engine object

Return type


set_stream_logging(name='records_mover', level=20, stream=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, fmt='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S')

records-mover logs details about its operations using Python logging. This method is a simple way to configure that logging to be output to a stream (by default, stdout).

You can use it for other things (e.g., dependencies of records-mover) by adjusting the ‘name’ argument.

  • name (str) – Name of the package to set logging under. If set to ‘foo’, you can set a log variable FOO_LOG_LEVEL to the log level threshold you’d like to set (INFO/WARNING/etc) - so you can by default set, say, export RECORDS_MOVER_LOG_LEVEL=WARNING to quiet down loging, or export RECORDS_MOVER_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG to increase it.

  • level (int) – Logging more detailed than this will not be output to the stream.

  • stream (IO[str]) – Stream which logging should be sent (e.g., sys.stdout, sys.stdin, or perhaps a file you open)

  • fmt (str) – Logging format to send to Python’slogging.Formatter() - determines what details will be sent.

  • datefmt (str) – Date format to send to Python’slogging.Formatter() - determines how the current date/time will be recorded in the log.

Return type


property records: Records

Property containing a records_mover.Records object pre-configured with configuration using this Session. Once you have a Session object constructed, this is your jumping off point to moving records.

class records_mover.Records(db_driver=PleaseInfer.token, url_resolver=PleaseInfer.token, session=PleaseInfer.token)

Bases: object

To move records from one place to another, you can use the methods on this object.

This object should be pulled from the ‘records’ property on a records_mover.Session object instead of being constructed directly.

To move data, you can call the records_mover.records.move() method, which is aliased for your convenience on this object.


records = session.records
db_engine = session.get_default_db_engine()
url = 's3://some-bucket/some-directory/'
source = records.sources.directory_from_url(url=url)
target = records.targets.table(schema_name='myschema',
results = records.move(source, target)
  • db_driver (Union[Callable[[Optional[Union[Engine, Connection]], Optional[Connection], Optional[Engine]], DBDriver], PleaseInfer]) –

  • url_resolver (Union[UrlResolver, PleaseInfer]) –

  • session (Union[Session, PleaseInfer]) –

move: Callable

Alias of records_mover.records.move()

sources: RecordsSources

Object containing factory methods to create various sources from which to copy records, of type records_mover.records.sources.RecordsSources

targets: RecordsTargets

Object containing factory methods to create various targets to which records can be copied, of type records_mover.records.targets.RecordsTargets

records_mover.set_stream_logging(name='records_mover', level=20, stream=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, fmt='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S')

records-mover logs details about its operations using Python logging. This method is a simple way to configure that logging to be output to a stream (by default, stdout).

You can use it for other things (e.g., dependencies of records-mover) by adjusting the ‘name’ argument.

  • name (str) – Name of the package to set logging under. If set to ‘foo’, you can set a log variable FOO_LOG_LEVEL to the log level threshold you’d like to set (INFO/WARNING/etc) - so you can by default set, say, export RECORDS_MOVER_LOG_LEVEL=WARNING to quiet down loging, or export RECORDS_MOVER_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG to increase it.

  • level (int) – Logging more detailed than this will not be output to the stream.

  • stream (IO[str]) – Stream which logging should be sent (e.g., sys.stdout, sys.stdin, or perhaps a file you open)

  • fmt (str) – Logging format to send to Python’slogging.Formatter() - determines what details will be sent.

  • datefmt (str) – Date format to send to Python’slogging.Formatter() - determines how the current date/time will be recorded in the log.

Return type


records_mover.move(records_source, records_target, processing_instructions=<records_mover.records.processing_instructions.ProcessingInstructions object>)

Copy records from one location to another. Applies a sequence of possible techniques to do this in an efficient way and respects the preferences set in records_source, records_target and processing_instructions.

Example use:

records = session.records
db_engine = session.get_default_db_engine()
url = 's3://some-bucket/some-directory/'
source = records.sources.directory_from_url(url=url)
target = records.targets.table(schema_name='myschema',
results = records.move(source, target)
Return type


mvrec CLI options

Move tabular data (“records”) from one place to another

usage: mvrec [-h] [--no_fail_if_dont_understand]
             [--no_fail_if_cant_handle_hint] [--no_fail_if_row_invalid]
             [--max_inference_rows MAX_INFERENCE_ROWS]
             [--max_failure_rows MAX_FAILURE_ROWS] [-V]

Named Arguments


If True, and a part of the RecordsFormat is not understood while processing, then immediately fail and raise an exception. Otherwise, ignore the misunderstood instruction (e.g., ignore the hint, assume default variant, etc etc)

Default: True


If True, and for whatever reason (e.g., limited options in whatever library/tool/database is being used) a certain hint can’t be handled as specified, raise an exception. Otherwise, ignore the hint and use implementation-specific different behavior.

Default: True


If True, and a particular row of data in the records file cannot be understood by the library, raise an exception. Otherwise, ignore the row and continue and try to load other rows.

Default: True


If the schema is not provided and we need it (e.g., we’re to load the records into a database and there’s no existing table), we’ll figure it out through ‘type inference’ - looking at a bunch of examples of data and building a specific schema that can load those rows. This can take some time, so this parameter controls the maximum number of rows we’ll look at. Higher values will be more likely to result in a schema that can be loaded into, but will take longer to load. If set to None, the entire file will be processed.

Default: 1000000


Sets a tolerance level for number of rows of data in the records file that cannot be understood by the library that should be ignored. After reaching level, raise an exception.

-V, --version

show program’s version number and exit



Copy from table to gsheet

mvrec table2gsheet [-h]
                   source.db_name source.schema_name source.table_name
                   target.spreadsheet_id target.sheet_name
Positional Arguments

SQLAlchemy database engine to pull data from.


Schema name of a table to get data from.


Table name of a table to get data from.


This is the xyz in


This is the label of the particular tab within the Google Sheets spreadsheet where the data should go.


Credentials object for Google Cloud Platform access.


Copy from table to table

mvrec table2table [-h]
                  [--target.existing_table {delete_and_overwrite,truncate_and_overwrite,drop_and_recreate,append}]
                  source.db_name source.schema_name source.table_name
                  target.db_name target.schema_name target.table_name
Positional Arguments

SQLAlchemy database engine to pull data from.


Schema name of a table to get data from.


Table name of a table to get data from.


SQLAlchemy database engine to write data to.


Schema name of a table to write data to.


Table name of a table to write data to.

Named Arguments

Possible choices: delete_and_overwrite, truncate_and_overwrite, drop_and_recreate, append

When loading into a database table, controls how any existing table found will be handled. This must be a records_mover.records.ExistingTableHandling object.

Default: “delete_and_overwrite”


If True, table load errors will attempt to be addressed by dropping the target table and reloading the incoming data.

Default: False


Copy from table to recordsdir

mvrec table2recordsdir [-h] [--target.variant TARGET.VARIANT]
                       [--target.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                       [--target.datetimeformattz TARGET.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                       [--target.datetimeformat TARGET.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                       [--target.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}]
                       [--target.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                       [--target.no_escape] [--target.escape {\}]
                       [--target.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                       [--target.dateformat TARGET.DATEFORMAT]
                       [--target.timeonlyformat TARGET.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                       [--target.no_doublequote] [--target.doublequote]
                       [--target.no_header_row] [--target.header_row]
                       [--target.quotechar TARGET.QUOTECHAR]
                       [--target.record_terminator TARGET.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                       [--target.field_delimiter TARGET.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                       source.db_name source.schema_name source.table_name
Positional Arguments

SQLAlchemy database engine to pull data from.


Schema name of a table to get data from.


Table name of a table to get data from.


Location to write the records directory. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library, and must be a directory URL that ends with a ‘/’.

Named Arguments

Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Copy from table to url

mvrec table2url [-h] [--target.variant TARGET.VARIANT]
                [--target.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                [--target.datetimeformattz TARGET.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                [--target.datetimeformat TARGET.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                [--target.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}] [--target.no_quoting]
                [--target.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                [--target.no_escape] [--target.escape {\}]
                [--target.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                [--target.dateformat TARGET.DATEFORMAT]
                [--target.timeonlyformat TARGET.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                [--target.no_doublequote] [--target.doublequote]
                [--target.no_header_row] [--target.header_row]
                [--target.quotechar TARGET.QUOTECHAR]
                [--target.record_terminator TARGET.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                [--target.field_delimiter TARGET.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                source.db_name source.schema_name source.table_name
Positional Arguments

SQLAlchemy database engine to pull data from.


Schema name of a table to get data from.


Table name of a table to get data from.


Location of the data file to write. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library corresponding to a file, not a directory (i.e., not ending with a ‘/’)

Named Arguments

Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Copy from table to file

mvrec table2file [-h] [--target.variant TARGET.VARIANT]
                 [--target.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                 [--target.datetimeformattz TARGET.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                 [--target.datetimeformat TARGET.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                 [--target.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}] [--target.no_quoting]
                 [--target.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                 [--target.no_escape] [--target.escape {\}]
                 [--target.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                 [--target.dateformat TARGET.DATEFORMAT]
                 [--target.timeonlyformat TARGET.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                 [--target.no_doublequote] [--target.doublequote]
                 [--target.no_header_row] [--target.header_row]
                 [--target.quotechar TARGET.QUOTECHAR]
                 [--target.record_terminator TARGET.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                 [--target.field_delimiter TARGET.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                 source.db_name source.schema_name source.table_name
Positional Arguments

SQLAlchemy database engine to pull data from.


Schema name of a table to get data from.


Table name of a table to get data from.


File path (relative or absolute) of the data file to unload to.

Named Arguments

Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Copy from table to spectrum

mvrec table2spectrum [-h]
                     [--target.spectrum_base_url TARGET.SPECTRUM_BASE_URL]
                     [--target.spectrum_rdir_url TARGET.SPECTRUM_RDIR_URL]
                     [--target.existing_table {delete_and_overwrite,truncate_and_overwrite,drop_and_recreate,append}]
                     source.db_name source.schema_name source.table_name
                     target.schema_name target.table_name target.db_name
Positional Arguments

SQLAlchemy database engine to pull data from.


Schema name of a table to get data from.


Table name of a table to get data from.


Schema name of a table to write data to.


Table name of a table to write data to.


SQLAlchemy database engine to write data to.

Named Arguments

Root S3 URL under which a simple directory structure will be created for files to be stored, if spectrum_rdir_url is not specified. Note that when using the mover CLI, db-facts may be used to provide a default.


S3 URL where a records directory with files will be stored; otherwise, use db-facts default if exists. If this is not specified, spectrum_base_url must be.


Possible choices: delete_and_overwrite, truncate_and_overwrite, drop_and_recreate, append

When loading into a database table, controls how any existing table found will be handled. This must be a records_mover.records.ExistingTableHandling object.

Default: “delete_and_overwrite”


Copy from gsheet to gsheet

mvrec gsheet2gsheet [-h]
                    [--source.out_of_band_column_headers [SOURCE.OUT_OF_BAND_COLUMN_HEADERS ...]]
                    source.spreadsheet_id source.sheet_name_or_range
                    source.gcp_creds_name target.spreadsheet_id
                    target.sheet_name target.gcp_creds_name
Positional Arguments

This is the xyz in


This is the label of the particular tab within the Google Sheets spreadsheet where the data should go, or a valid Google Sheets-style range formula


This is an object representing Google Cloud Platform access credentials.


This is the xyz in


This is the label of the particular tab within the Google Sheets spreadsheet where the data should go.


Credentials object for Google Cloud Platform access.

Named Arguments

If provided, we’ll use these column names instead of the first row of the spreadsheet. If set, the first row will be treated as data.


Copy from gsheet to table

mvrec gsheet2table [-h]
                   [--source.out_of_band_column_headers [SOURCE.OUT_OF_BAND_COLUMN_HEADERS ...]]
                   [--target.existing_table {delete_and_overwrite,truncate_and_overwrite,drop_and_recreate,append}]
                   source.spreadsheet_id source.sheet_name_or_range
                   source.gcp_creds_name target.db_name target.schema_name
Positional Arguments

This is the xyz in


This is the label of the particular tab within the Google Sheets spreadsheet where the data should go, or a valid Google Sheets-style range formula


This is an object representing Google Cloud Platform access credentials.


SQLAlchemy database engine to write data to.


Schema name of a table to write data to.


Table name of a table to write data to.

Named Arguments

If provided, we’ll use these column names instead of the first row of the spreadsheet. If set, the first row will be treated as data.


Possible choices: delete_and_overwrite, truncate_and_overwrite, drop_and_recreate, append

When loading into a database table, controls how any existing table found will be handled. This must be a records_mover.records.ExistingTableHandling object.

Default: “delete_and_overwrite”


If True, table load errors will attempt to be addressed by dropping the target table and reloading the incoming data.

Default: False


Copy from gsheet to recordsdir

mvrec gsheet2recordsdir [-h]
                        [--source.out_of_band_column_headers [SOURCE.OUT_OF_BAND_COLUMN_HEADERS ...]]
                        [--target.variant TARGET.VARIANT]
                        [--target.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                        [--target.datetimeformattz TARGET.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                        [--target.datetimeformat TARGET.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                        [--target.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}]
                        [--target.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                        [--target.no_escape] [--target.escape {\}]
                        [--target.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                        [--target.dateformat TARGET.DATEFORMAT]
                        [--target.timeonlyformat TARGET.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                        [--target.no_doublequote] [--target.doublequote]
                        [--target.no_header_row] [--target.header_row]
                        [--target.quotechar TARGET.QUOTECHAR]
                        [--target.record_terminator TARGET.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                        [--target.field_delimiter TARGET.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                        source.spreadsheet_id source.sheet_name_or_range
                        source.gcp_creds_name target.output_url
Positional Arguments

This is the xyz in


This is the label of the particular tab within the Google Sheets spreadsheet where the data should go, or a valid Google Sheets-style range formula


This is an object representing Google Cloud Platform access credentials.


Location to write the records directory. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library, and must be a directory URL that ends with a ‘/’.

Named Arguments

If provided, we’ll use these column names instead of the first row of the spreadsheet. If set, the first row will be treated as data.


Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Copy from gsheet to url

mvrec gsheet2url [-h]
                 [--source.out_of_band_column_headers [SOURCE.OUT_OF_BAND_COLUMN_HEADERS ...]]
                 [--target.variant TARGET.VARIANT]
                 [--target.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                 [--target.datetimeformattz TARGET.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                 [--target.datetimeformat TARGET.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                 [--target.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}] [--target.no_quoting]
                 [--target.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                 [--target.no_escape] [--target.escape {\}]
                 [--target.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                 [--target.dateformat TARGET.DATEFORMAT]
                 [--target.timeonlyformat TARGET.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                 [--target.no_doublequote] [--target.doublequote]
                 [--target.no_header_row] [--target.header_row]
                 [--target.quotechar TARGET.QUOTECHAR]
                 [--target.record_terminator TARGET.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                 [--target.field_delimiter TARGET.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                 source.spreadsheet_id source.sheet_name_or_range
                 source.gcp_creds_name target.output_url
Positional Arguments

This is the xyz in


This is the label of the particular tab within the Google Sheets spreadsheet where the data should go, or a valid Google Sheets-style range formula


This is an object representing Google Cloud Platform access credentials.


Location of the data file to write. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library corresponding to a file, not a directory (i.e., not ending with a ‘/’)

Named Arguments

If provided, we’ll use these column names instead of the first row of the spreadsheet. If set, the first row will be treated as data.


Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Copy from gsheet to file

mvrec gsheet2file [-h]
                  [--source.out_of_band_column_headers [SOURCE.OUT_OF_BAND_COLUMN_HEADERS ...]]
                  [--target.variant TARGET.VARIANT]
                  [--target.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                  [--target.datetimeformattz TARGET.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                  [--target.datetimeformat TARGET.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                  [--target.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}] [--target.no_quoting]
                  [--target.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                  [--target.no_escape] [--target.escape {\}]
                  [--target.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                  [--target.dateformat TARGET.DATEFORMAT]
                  [--target.timeonlyformat TARGET.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                  [--target.no_doublequote] [--target.doublequote]
                  [--target.no_header_row] [--target.header_row]
                  [--target.quotechar TARGET.QUOTECHAR]
                  [--target.record_terminator TARGET.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                  [--target.field_delimiter TARGET.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                  source.spreadsheet_id source.sheet_name_or_range
                  source.gcp_creds_name target.filename
Positional Arguments

This is the xyz in


This is the label of the particular tab within the Google Sheets spreadsheet where the data should go, or a valid Google Sheets-style range formula


This is an object representing Google Cloud Platform access credentials.


File path (relative or absolute) of the data file to unload to.

Named Arguments

If provided, we’ll use these column names instead of the first row of the spreadsheet. If set, the first row will be treated as data.


Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Copy from gsheet to spectrum

mvrec gsheet2spectrum [-h]
                      [--source.out_of_band_column_headers [SOURCE.OUT_OF_BAND_COLUMN_HEADERS ...]]
                      [--target.spectrum_base_url TARGET.SPECTRUM_BASE_URL]
                      [--target.spectrum_rdir_url TARGET.SPECTRUM_RDIR_URL]
                      [--target.existing_table {delete_and_overwrite,truncate_and_overwrite,drop_and_recreate,append}]
                      source.spreadsheet_id source.sheet_name_or_range
                      source.gcp_creds_name target.schema_name
                      target.table_name target.db_name
Positional Arguments

This is the xyz in


This is the label of the particular tab within the Google Sheets spreadsheet where the data should go, or a valid Google Sheets-style range formula


This is an object representing Google Cloud Platform access credentials.


Schema name of a table to write data to.


Table name of a table to write data to.


SQLAlchemy database engine to write data to.

Named Arguments

If provided, we’ll use these column names instead of the first row of the spreadsheet. If set, the first row will be treated as data.


Root S3 URL under which a simple directory structure will be created for files to be stored, if spectrum_rdir_url is not specified. Note that when using the mover CLI, db-facts may be used to provide a default.


S3 URL where a records directory with files will be stored; otherwise, use db-facts default if exists. If this is not specified, spectrum_base_url must be.


Possible choices: delete_and_overwrite, truncate_and_overwrite, drop_and_recreate, append

When loading into a database table, controls how any existing table found will be handled. This must be a records_mover.records.ExistingTableHandling object.

Default: “delete_and_overwrite”


Copy from recordsdir to gsheet

mvrec recordsdir2gsheet [-h] [--no_source.fail_if_dont_understand]
                        source.url target.spreadsheet_id target.sheet_name
Positional Arguments

Location of the records directory. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library, and must be a directory URL that ends with a ‘/’.


This is the xyz in


This is the label of the particular tab within the Google Sheets spreadsheet where the data should go.


Credentials object for Google Cloud Platform access.

Named Arguments

If True, and a part of the RecordsFormat is not understood while processing, then immediately fail and raise an exception. Otherwise, ignore the misunderstood instruction (e.g., ignore the hint, assume default variant, etc etc)

Default: True


Copy from recordsdir to table

mvrec recordsdir2table [-h] [--no_source.fail_if_dont_understand]
                       [--target.existing_table {delete_and_overwrite,truncate_and_overwrite,drop_and_recreate,append}]
                       source.url target.db_name target.schema_name
Positional Arguments

Location of the records directory. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library, and must be a directory URL that ends with a ‘/’.


SQLAlchemy database engine to write data to.


Schema name of a table to write data to.


Table name of a table to write data to.

Named Arguments

If True, and a part of the RecordsFormat is not understood while processing, then immediately fail and raise an exception. Otherwise, ignore the misunderstood instruction (e.g., ignore the hint, assume default variant, etc etc)

Default: True


Possible choices: delete_and_overwrite, truncate_and_overwrite, drop_and_recreate, append

When loading into a database table, controls how any existing table found will be handled. This must be a records_mover.records.ExistingTableHandling object.

Default: “delete_and_overwrite”


If True, table load errors will attempt to be addressed by dropping the target table and reloading the incoming data.

Default: False


Copy from recordsdir to recordsdir

mvrec recordsdir2recordsdir [-h] [--no_source.fail_if_dont_understand]
                            [--target.variant TARGET.VARIANT]
                            [--target.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                            [--target.datetimeformattz TARGET.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                            [--target.datetimeformat TARGET.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                            [--target.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}]
                            [--target.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                            [--target.no_escape] [--target.escape {\}]
                            [--target.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                            [--target.dateformat TARGET.DATEFORMAT]
                            [--target.timeonlyformat TARGET.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                            [--target.no_doublequote] [--target.doublequote]
                            [--target.no_header_row] [--target.header_row]
                            [--target.quotechar TARGET.QUOTECHAR]
                            [--target.record_terminator TARGET.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                            [--target.field_delimiter TARGET.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                            source.url target.output_url
Positional Arguments

Location of the records directory. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library, and must be a directory URL that ends with a ‘/’.


Location to write the records directory. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library, and must be a directory URL that ends with a ‘/’.

Named Arguments

If True, and a part of the RecordsFormat is not understood while processing, then immediately fail and raise an exception. Otherwise, ignore the misunderstood instruction (e.g., ignore the hint, assume default variant, etc etc)

Default: True


Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Copy from recordsdir to url

mvrec recordsdir2url [-h] [--no_source.fail_if_dont_understand]
                     [--target.variant TARGET.VARIANT]
                     [--target.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                     [--target.datetimeformattz TARGET.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                     [--target.datetimeformat TARGET.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                     [--target.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}]
                     [--target.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                     [--target.no_escape] [--target.escape {\}]
                     [--target.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                     [--target.dateformat TARGET.DATEFORMAT]
                     [--target.timeonlyformat TARGET.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                     [--target.no_doublequote] [--target.doublequote]
                     [--target.no_header_row] [--target.header_row]
                     [--target.quotechar TARGET.QUOTECHAR]
                     [--target.record_terminator TARGET.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                     [--target.field_delimiter TARGET.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                     source.url target.output_url
Positional Arguments

Location of the records directory. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library, and must be a directory URL that ends with a ‘/’.


Location of the data file to write. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library corresponding to a file, not a directory (i.e., not ending with a ‘/’)

Named Arguments

If True, and a part of the RecordsFormat is not understood while processing, then immediately fail and raise an exception. Otherwise, ignore the misunderstood instruction (e.g., ignore the hint, assume default variant, etc etc)

Default: True


Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Copy from recordsdir to file

mvrec recordsdir2file [-h] [--no_source.fail_if_dont_understand]
                      [--target.variant TARGET.VARIANT]
                      [--target.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                      [--target.datetimeformattz TARGET.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                      [--target.datetimeformat TARGET.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                      [--target.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}]
                      [--target.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                      [--target.no_escape] [--target.escape {\}]
                      [--target.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                      [--target.dateformat TARGET.DATEFORMAT]
                      [--target.timeonlyformat TARGET.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                      [--target.no_doublequote] [--target.doublequote]
                      [--target.no_header_row] [--target.header_row]
                      [--target.quotechar TARGET.QUOTECHAR]
                      [--target.record_terminator TARGET.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                      [--target.field_delimiter TARGET.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                      source.url target.filename
Positional Arguments

Location of the records directory. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library, and must be a directory URL that ends with a ‘/’.


File path (relative or absolute) of the data file to unload to.

Named Arguments

If True, and a part of the RecordsFormat is not understood while processing, then immediately fail and raise an exception. Otherwise, ignore the misunderstood instruction (e.g., ignore the hint, assume default variant, etc etc)

Default: True


Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Copy from recordsdir to spectrum

mvrec recordsdir2spectrum [-h] [--no_source.fail_if_dont_understand]
                          [--target.spectrum_base_url TARGET.SPECTRUM_BASE_URL]
                          [--target.spectrum_rdir_url TARGET.SPECTRUM_RDIR_URL]
                          [--target.existing_table {delete_and_overwrite,truncate_and_overwrite,drop_and_recreate,append}]
                          source.url target.schema_name target.table_name
Positional Arguments

Location of the records directory. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library, and must be a directory URL that ends with a ‘/’.


Schema name of a table to write data to.


Table name of a table to write data to.


SQLAlchemy database engine to write data to.

Named Arguments

If True, and a part of the RecordsFormat is not understood while processing, then immediately fail and raise an exception. Otherwise, ignore the misunderstood instruction (e.g., ignore the hint, assume default variant, etc etc)

Default: True


Root S3 URL under which a simple directory structure will be created for files to be stored, if spectrum_rdir_url is not specified. Note that when using the mover CLI, db-facts may be used to provide a default.


S3 URL where a records directory with files will be stored; otherwise, use db-facts default if exists. If this is not specified, spectrum_base_url must be.


Possible choices: delete_and_overwrite, truncate_and_overwrite, drop_and_recreate, append

When loading into a database table, controls how any existing table found will be handled. This must be a records_mover.records.ExistingTableHandling object.

Default: “delete_and_overwrite”


Copy from url to gsheet

mvrec url2gsheet [-h] [--source.variant SOURCE.VARIANT]
                 [--source.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                 [--source.datetimeformattz SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                 [--source.datetimeformat SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                 [--source.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}] [--source.no_quoting]
                 [--source.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                 [--source.no_escape] [--source.escape {\}]
                 [--source.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                 [--source.dateformat SOURCE.DATEFORMAT]
                 [--source.timeonlyformat SOURCE.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                 [--source.no_doublequote] [--source.doublequote]
                 [--source.no_header_row] [--source.header_row]
                 [--source.quotechar SOURCE.QUOTECHAR]
                 [--source.record_terminator SOURCE.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                 [--source.field_delimiter SOURCE.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                 source.input_url target.spreadsheet_id target.sheet_name
Positional Arguments

Location of the data file. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library.


This is the xyz in


This is the label of the particular tab within the Google Sheets spreadsheet where the data should go.


Credentials object for Google Cloud Platform access.

Named Arguments

Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Copy from url to table

mvrec url2table [-h] [--source.variant SOURCE.VARIANT]
                [--source.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                [--source.datetimeformattz SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                [--source.datetimeformat SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                [--source.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}] [--source.no_quoting]
                [--source.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                [--source.no_escape] [--source.escape {\}]
                [--source.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                [--source.dateformat SOURCE.DATEFORMAT]
                [--source.timeonlyformat SOURCE.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                [--source.no_doublequote] [--source.doublequote]
                [--source.no_header_row] [--source.header_row]
                [--source.quotechar SOURCE.QUOTECHAR]
                [--source.record_terminator SOURCE.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                [--source.field_delimiter SOURCE.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                [--target.existing_table {delete_and_overwrite,truncate_and_overwrite,drop_and_recreate,append}]
                source.input_url target.db_name target.schema_name
Positional Arguments

Location of the data file. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library.


SQLAlchemy database engine to write data to.


Schema name of a table to write data to.


Table name of a table to write data to.

Named Arguments

Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Possible choices: delete_and_overwrite, truncate_and_overwrite, drop_and_recreate, append

When loading into a database table, controls how any existing table found will be handled. This must be a records_mover.records.ExistingTableHandling object.

Default: “delete_and_overwrite”


If True, table load errors will attempt to be addressed by dropping the target table and reloading the incoming data.

Default: False


Copy from url to recordsdir

mvrec url2recordsdir [-h] [--source.variant SOURCE.VARIANT]
                     [--source.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                     [--source.datetimeformattz SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                     [--source.datetimeformat SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                     [--source.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}]
                     [--source.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                     [--source.no_escape] [--source.escape {\}]
                     [--source.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                     [--source.dateformat SOURCE.DATEFORMAT]
                     [--source.timeonlyformat SOURCE.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                     [--source.no_doublequote] [--source.doublequote]
                     [--source.no_header_row] [--source.header_row]
                     [--source.quotechar SOURCE.QUOTECHAR]
                     [--source.record_terminator SOURCE.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                     [--source.field_delimiter SOURCE.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                     [--target.variant TARGET.VARIANT]
                     [--target.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                     [--target.datetimeformattz TARGET.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                     [--target.datetimeformat TARGET.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                     [--target.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}]
                     [--target.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                     [--target.no_escape] [--target.escape {\}]
                     [--target.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                     [--target.dateformat TARGET.DATEFORMAT]
                     [--target.timeonlyformat TARGET.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                     [--target.no_doublequote] [--target.doublequote]
                     [--target.no_header_row] [--target.header_row]
                     [--target.quotechar TARGET.QUOTECHAR]
                     [--target.record_terminator TARGET.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                     [--target.field_delimiter TARGET.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                     source.input_url target.output_url
Positional Arguments

Location of the data file. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library.


Location to write the records directory. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library, and must be a directory URL that ends with a ‘/’.

Named Arguments

Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Copy from url to url

mvrec url2url [-h] [--source.variant SOURCE.VARIANT]
              [--source.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
              [--source.datetimeformattz SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
              [--source.datetimeformat SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMAT]
              [--source.no_compression] [--source.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}]
              [--source.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}] [--source.no_escape]
              [--source.escape {\}]
              [--source.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
              [--source.dateformat SOURCE.DATEFORMAT]
              [--source.timeonlyformat SOURCE.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
              [--source.no_doublequote] [--source.doublequote]
              [--source.no_header_row] [--source.header_row]
              [--source.quotechar SOURCE.QUOTECHAR]
              [--source.record_terminator SOURCE.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
              [--source.field_delimiter SOURCE.FIELD-DELIMITER]
              [--target.variant TARGET.VARIANT]
              [--target.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
              [--target.datetimeformattz TARGET.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
              [--target.datetimeformat TARGET.DATETIMEFORMAT]
              [--target.no_compression] [--target.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}]
              [--target.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}] [--target.no_escape]
              [--target.escape {\}]
              [--target.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
              [--target.dateformat TARGET.DATEFORMAT]
              [--target.timeonlyformat TARGET.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
              [--target.no_doublequote] [--target.doublequote]
              [--target.no_header_row] [--target.header_row]
              [--target.quotechar TARGET.QUOTECHAR]
              [--target.record_terminator TARGET.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
              [--target.field_delimiter TARGET.FIELD-DELIMITER]
              source.input_url target.output_url
Positional Arguments

Location of the data file. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library.


Location of the data file to write. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library corresponding to a file, not a directory (i.e., not ending with a ‘/’)

Named Arguments

Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Copy from url to file

mvrec url2file [-h] [--source.variant SOURCE.VARIANT]
               [--source.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
               [--source.datetimeformattz SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
               [--source.datetimeformat SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMAT]
               [--source.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}] [--source.no_quoting]
               [--source.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
               [--source.no_escape] [--source.escape {\}]
               [--source.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
               [--source.dateformat SOURCE.DATEFORMAT]
               [--source.timeonlyformat SOURCE.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
               [--source.no_doublequote] [--source.doublequote]
               [--source.no_header_row] [--source.header_row]
               [--source.quotechar SOURCE.QUOTECHAR]
               [--source.record_terminator SOURCE.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
               [--source.field_delimiter SOURCE.FIELD-DELIMITER]
               [--target.variant TARGET.VARIANT]
               [--target.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
               [--target.datetimeformattz TARGET.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
               [--target.datetimeformat TARGET.DATETIMEFORMAT]
               [--target.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}] [--target.no_quoting]
               [--target.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
               [--target.no_escape] [--target.escape {\}]
               [--target.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
               [--target.dateformat TARGET.DATEFORMAT]
               [--target.timeonlyformat TARGET.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
               [--target.no_doublequote] [--target.doublequote]
               [--target.no_header_row] [--target.header_row]
               [--target.quotechar TARGET.QUOTECHAR]
               [--target.record_terminator TARGET.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
               [--target.field_delimiter TARGET.FIELD-DELIMITER]
               source.input_url target.filename
Positional Arguments

Location of the data file. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library.


File path (relative or absolute) of the data file to unload to.

Named Arguments

Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Copy from url to spectrum

mvrec url2spectrum [-h] [--source.variant SOURCE.VARIANT]
                   [--source.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                   [--source.datetimeformattz SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                   [--source.datetimeformat SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                   [--source.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}]
                   [--source.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                   [--source.no_escape] [--source.escape {\}]
                   [--source.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                   [--source.dateformat SOURCE.DATEFORMAT]
                   [--source.timeonlyformat SOURCE.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                   [--source.no_doublequote] [--source.doublequote]
                   [--source.no_header_row] [--source.header_row]
                   [--source.quotechar SOURCE.QUOTECHAR]
                   [--source.record_terminator SOURCE.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                   [--source.field_delimiter SOURCE.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                   [--target.spectrum_base_url TARGET.SPECTRUM_BASE_URL]
                   [--target.spectrum_rdir_url TARGET.SPECTRUM_RDIR_URL]
                   [--target.existing_table {delete_and_overwrite,truncate_and_overwrite,drop_and_recreate,append}]
                   source.input_url target.schema_name target.table_name
Positional Arguments

Location of the data file. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library.


Schema name of a table to write data to.


Table name of a table to write data to.


SQLAlchemy database engine to write data to.

Named Arguments

Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Root S3 URL under which a simple directory structure will be created for files to be stored, if spectrum_rdir_url is not specified. Note that when using the mover CLI, db-facts may be used to provide a default.


S3 URL where a records directory with files will be stored; otherwise, use db-facts default if exists. If this is not specified, spectrum_base_url must be.


Possible choices: delete_and_overwrite, truncate_and_overwrite, drop_and_recreate, append

When loading into a database table, controls how any existing table found will be handled. This must be a records_mover.records.ExistingTableHandling object.

Default: “delete_and_overwrite”


Copy from file to gsheet

mvrec file2gsheet [-h] [--source.variant SOURCE.VARIANT]
                  [--source.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                  [--source.datetimeformattz SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                  [--source.datetimeformat SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                  [--source.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}] [--source.no_quoting]
                  [--source.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                  [--source.no_escape] [--source.escape {\}]
                  [--source.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                  [--source.dateformat SOURCE.DATEFORMAT]
                  [--source.timeonlyformat SOURCE.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                  [--source.no_doublequote] [--source.doublequote]
                  [--source.no_header_row] [--source.header_row]
                  [--source.quotechar SOURCE.QUOTECHAR]
                  [--source.record_terminator SOURCE.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                  [--source.field_delimiter SOURCE.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                  source.filename target.spreadsheet_id target.sheet_name
Positional Arguments

File path (relative or absolute) of the data file to load.


This is the xyz in


This is the label of the particular tab within the Google Sheets spreadsheet where the data should go.


Credentials object for Google Cloud Platform access.

Named Arguments

Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Copy from file to table

mvrec file2table [-h] [--source.variant SOURCE.VARIANT]
                 [--source.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                 [--source.datetimeformattz SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                 [--source.datetimeformat SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                 [--source.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}] [--source.no_quoting]
                 [--source.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                 [--source.no_escape] [--source.escape {\}]
                 [--source.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                 [--source.dateformat SOURCE.DATEFORMAT]
                 [--source.timeonlyformat SOURCE.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                 [--source.no_doublequote] [--source.doublequote]
                 [--source.no_header_row] [--source.header_row]
                 [--source.quotechar SOURCE.QUOTECHAR]
                 [--source.record_terminator SOURCE.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                 [--source.field_delimiter SOURCE.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                 [--target.existing_table {delete_and_overwrite,truncate_and_overwrite,drop_and_recreate,append}]
                 source.filename target.db_name target.schema_name
Positional Arguments

File path (relative or absolute) of the data file to load.


SQLAlchemy database engine to write data to.


Schema name of a table to write data to.


Table name of a table to write data to.

Named Arguments

Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Possible choices: delete_and_overwrite, truncate_and_overwrite, drop_and_recreate, append

When loading into a database table, controls how any existing table found will be handled. This must be a records_mover.records.ExistingTableHandling object.

Default: “delete_and_overwrite”


If True, table load errors will attempt to be addressed by dropping the target table and reloading the incoming data.

Default: False


Copy from file to recordsdir

mvrec file2recordsdir [-h] [--source.variant SOURCE.VARIANT]
                      [--source.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                      [--source.datetimeformattz SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                      [--source.datetimeformat SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                      [--source.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}]
                      [--source.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                      [--source.no_escape] [--source.escape {\}]
                      [--source.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                      [--source.dateformat SOURCE.DATEFORMAT]
                      [--source.timeonlyformat SOURCE.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                      [--source.no_doublequote] [--source.doublequote]
                      [--source.no_header_row] [--source.header_row]
                      [--source.quotechar SOURCE.QUOTECHAR]
                      [--source.record_terminator SOURCE.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                      [--source.field_delimiter SOURCE.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                      [--target.variant TARGET.VARIANT]
                      [--target.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                      [--target.datetimeformattz TARGET.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                      [--target.datetimeformat TARGET.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                      [--target.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}]
                      [--target.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                      [--target.no_escape] [--target.escape {\}]
                      [--target.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                      [--target.dateformat TARGET.DATEFORMAT]
                      [--target.timeonlyformat TARGET.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                      [--target.no_doublequote] [--target.doublequote]
                      [--target.no_header_row] [--target.header_row]
                      [--target.quotechar TARGET.QUOTECHAR]
                      [--target.record_terminator TARGET.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                      [--target.field_delimiter TARGET.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                      source.filename target.output_url
Positional Arguments

File path (relative or absolute) of the data file to load.


Location to write the records directory. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library, and must be a directory URL that ends with a ‘/’.

Named Arguments

Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Copy from file to url

mvrec file2url [-h] [--source.variant SOURCE.VARIANT]
               [--source.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
               [--source.datetimeformattz SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
               [--source.datetimeformat SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMAT]
               [--source.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}] [--source.no_quoting]
               [--source.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
               [--source.no_escape] [--source.escape {\}]
               [--source.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
               [--source.dateformat SOURCE.DATEFORMAT]
               [--source.timeonlyformat SOURCE.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
               [--source.no_doublequote] [--source.doublequote]
               [--source.no_header_row] [--source.header_row]
               [--source.quotechar SOURCE.QUOTECHAR]
               [--source.record_terminator SOURCE.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
               [--source.field_delimiter SOURCE.FIELD-DELIMITER]
               [--target.variant TARGET.VARIANT]
               [--target.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
               [--target.datetimeformattz TARGET.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
               [--target.datetimeformat TARGET.DATETIMEFORMAT]
               [--target.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}] [--target.no_quoting]
               [--target.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
               [--target.no_escape] [--target.escape {\}]
               [--target.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
               [--target.dateformat TARGET.DATEFORMAT]
               [--target.timeonlyformat TARGET.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
               [--target.no_doublequote] [--target.doublequote]
               [--target.no_header_row] [--target.header_row]
               [--target.quotechar TARGET.QUOTECHAR]
               [--target.record_terminator TARGET.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
               [--target.field_delimiter TARGET.FIELD-DELIMITER]
               source.filename target.output_url
Positional Arguments

File path (relative or absolute) of the data file to load.


Location of the data file to write. Must be a URL format understood by the records_mover.url library corresponding to a file, not a directory (i.e., not ending with a ‘/’)

Named Arguments

Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Copy from file to file

mvrec file2file [-h] [--source.variant SOURCE.VARIANT]
                [--source.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                [--source.datetimeformattz SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                [--source.datetimeformat SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                [--source.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}] [--source.no_quoting]
                [--source.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                [--source.no_escape] [--source.escape {\}]
                [--source.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                [--source.dateformat SOURCE.DATEFORMAT]
                [--source.timeonlyformat SOURCE.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                [--source.no_doublequote] [--source.doublequote]
                [--source.no_header_row] [--source.header_row]
                [--source.quotechar SOURCE.QUOTECHAR]
                [--source.record_terminator SOURCE.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                [--source.field_delimiter SOURCE.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                [--target.variant TARGET.VARIANT]
                [--target.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                [--target.datetimeformattz TARGET.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                [--target.datetimeformat TARGET.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                [--target.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}] [--target.no_quoting]
                [--target.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                [--target.no_escape] [--target.escape {\}]
                [--target.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                [--target.dateformat TARGET.DATEFORMAT]
                [--target.timeonlyformat TARGET.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                [--target.no_doublequote] [--target.doublequote]
                [--target.no_header_row] [--target.header_row]
                [--target.quotechar TARGET.QUOTECHAR]
                [--target.record_terminator TARGET.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                [--target.field_delimiter TARGET.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                source.filename target.filename
Positional Arguments

File path (relative or absolute) of the data file to load.


File path (relative or absolute) of the data file to unload to.

Named Arguments

Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Copy from file to spectrum

mvrec file2spectrum [-h] [--source.variant SOURCE.VARIANT]
                    [--source.format {avro,delimited,parquet}]
                    [--source.datetimeformattz SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMATTZ]
                    [--source.datetimeformat SOURCE.DATETIMEFORMAT]
                    [--source.compression {GZIP,BZIP,LZO}]
                    [--source.quoting {all,minimal,nonnumeric}]
                    [--source.no_escape] [--source.escape {\}]
                    [--source.encoding {UTF8,UTF16,UTF16LE,UTF16BE,UTF16BOM,UTF8BOM,LATIN1,CP1252}]
                    [--source.dateformat SOURCE.DATEFORMAT]
                    [--source.timeonlyformat SOURCE.TIMEONLYFORMAT]
                    [--source.no_doublequote] [--source.doublequote]
                    [--source.no_header_row] [--source.header_row]
                    [--source.quotechar SOURCE.QUOTECHAR]
                    [--source.record_terminator SOURCE.RECORD-TERMINATOR]
                    [--source.field_delimiter SOURCE.FIELD-DELIMITER]
                    [--target.spectrum_base_url TARGET.SPECTRUM_BASE_URL]
                    [--target.spectrum_rdir_url TARGET.SPECTRUM_RDIR_URL]
                    [--target.existing_table {delete_and_overwrite,truncate_and_overwrite,drop_and_recreate,append}]
                    source.filename target.schema_name target.table_name
Positional Arguments

File path (relative or absolute) of the data file to load.


Schema name of a table to write data to.


Table name of a table to write data to.


SQLAlchemy database engine to write data to.

Named Arguments

Records format variant - valid for ‘delimited’ records format type


Possible choices: avro, delimited, parquet

Records format type. Note that ‘delimited’ includes CSV/TSV/etc.


Format used to write ‘datetimetz’ values


Format used to write ‘datetime’ values


Possible choices: GZIP, BZIP, LZO

Compression type of the file.


Possible choices: all, minimal, nonnumeric

How quotes are applied to individual fields. all: quote all fields. minimal: quote only fields that contain ambiguous characters (the delimiter, the escape character, or a line terminator). default: never quote fields.


Possible choices:

Character used to escape strings


Possible choices: UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF16BOM, UTF8BOM, LATIN1, CP1252

Text encoding of file


Format used to write ‘date’ values


Format used to write ‘time’ values


Controls how instances of quotechar appearing inside a field should themselves be quoted. When True, the character is doubled. When False, the escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.


True if a header row is provided in the delimited files.


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters.


String used to close out individual rows of data.


Character used between fields.


Root S3 URL under which a simple directory structure will be created for files to be stored, if spectrum_rdir_url is not specified. Note that when using the mover CLI, db-facts may be used to provide a default.


S3 URL where a records directory with files will be stored; otherwise, use db-facts default if exists. If this is not specified, spectrum_base_url must be.


Possible choices: delete_and_overwrite, truncate_and_overwrite, drop_and_recreate, append

When loading into a database table, controls how any existing table found will be handled. This must be a records_mover.records.ExistingTableHandling object.

Default: “delete_and_overwrite”